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  • Rehabilitate Runways and Taxiways at Snohomish County Airport, Everett, WA. Provided consultation (as sub consultant to URS) and construction inspection for asphalt and portland cement concrete pavement. Jack provided on-the-job training to engineers, inspectors, and airport personnel in the field of asphalt paving of airport pavements. He provided QA inspection to the contractor in constructing the pavement within acceptable criteria.

  • Honolulu International Airport Reconstruct Runway 26L Design, Honolulu, HI.  Worked as a sub consultant for design and construction of the asphalt runway.  Jack provided evaluation of the main runway for condition and rehabilitation design.  He conducted analysis on thickness design on the section that will be functional for the expected aircraft traffic.  He provided oversight during construction and training to the QA engineers and inspectors in the field.  Jack conducted a design and construction of airfield pavements class to the state, consultants, and federal aviation personnel.

  • Rehabilitate Runways and Taxiways Bellingham Airport, Bellingham, WA.   Provided consultation (as sub consultant to URS) and construction inspection for asphalt and portland cement concrete paving projects as well as on-site training of the inspection staff. Provided expert consultation in the design phase of the main runway and connecting taxiways.  Jack provided on-the-job training to engineers, inspectors, and airport personnel in the field of asphalt paving for airport pavements.  Provided QA inspection to the contractor to ensure the constructing the pavement within acceptable criteria.

  • Oakland International Airport Runway and Taxiway Reconstruction, Oakland, CA. Provided airport pavement design consultation for asphalt and Portland cement concrete taxiway and runway.  Provided inspection assistance and worked with the contractor to provide an acceptable mix and quality constructed pavement.  Jack worked with the contractor’s laboratory to adjust the mix to be within the acceptable specification limits.  Worked with the paving crews to construct and compact the asphalt mat to the superior quality expected for airfield pavements.

  • Los Angeles International Airport Runways and Taxiway Reconstruction, Los Angeles Airport, CA. Worked as a sub consultant for airport pavement design consultation for portland cement concrete runways and taxiways and asphalt shoulders and blast pad pavements.

    Other Clients:

  • Port of Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, WA

  • Port of Tacoma, WA

  • Lanai Airport, HI

  • Klamath Falls Airport, OR

  • Burns Airport, OR

  • Yakima Airport, WA

  • Port of Portland, OR

  • Renton Airport, WA

  • San Jose International Airport, CA

  • Sacramento Airport, CA

  • Eagle County Airport, CO

  • Great Falls Airport, MT

  • Spokane Airport, WA


Sample of Projects & Clients

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